Improve Ad Conversion and CTR Performance

Google Ads Preview Tool

Google Ads Preview Tool

Do you repeatedly enter your keyword on search engines to verify if your search ad is live and looking good? Or, are you tired of using a top searched keyword but still no sign of your ad on SERP (Search Engine Results Page)? The good news here is that we…

How Does Google Ads Generate Responsive Search Ads

How Does Google Ads Generate Responsive Search Ads

Search engines are a go-to resource for whatever question pops up in users’ minds. No matter what their search query is, search engines have an endless supply of answers. However, to make users click on your website, you need to hold a strong position on the top spots of the…

How Can Google Ads Help You Advance Your Business Goal

How Can Google Ads Help You Advance Your Business Goal

Google ad campaign is always a hot topic for discussion among webmasters as it is a highly effective marketing approach that improves user engagement followed by leads and conversions. According to Statista, Google's ad revenue amounted to 146.92 billion US dollars in the year 2020 alone, which demonstrates the…

Yes, SKAG Are Still Working in 2021, Here's Why

Yes, SKAG Are Still Working in 2021, Here's Why

As summer is here, we can add some more heat to one of the hottest and controversial topics, SKAG. SKAG stands for Single Keyword Ad Group that has gained influential recognition in the PPC (Pay-Per-Click) universe. Why is that? On the whole, many marketers and advertisers believe it to be…

Google Ad Copy Suggestions

Google Ad Copy Suggestions

This is a great list of ad copy writing cues provided by Google. This list is buried within the Responsive Ad Writer in the suggestions section. This list is important when it comes to Ad Relevance and Expected Click Through Rate (CTR) Ad Quality Score ranking factors since it comes…

The Benefits of Using Expanded Text Ads

The Benefits of Using Expanded Text Ads

Everyone with even a passing interest in marketing knows the power of Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising. However, not all types of PPC advertising are the same. Google offers a variety of different search ads for companies to use. One of the most effective types is Expanded Text Ads. In this blog,…

Improving Expected Click Through Rate in Google Ads

Improving Expected Click Through Rate in Google Ads

Expected Click Through Rate is one of the three components to your Google Ad Quality Score. It is very important to try and get as high as a score as possible in order to reduce your Cost Per Click. A Quick Reminder About the Importance of Quality Score Google's Quality…

ETA vs. RSA: Which is Better for Google Ads?

ETA vs. RSA: Which is Better for Google Ads?

We outlined the basics of Expanded Text Ads (ETA) and Responsive Search Ads (RSA) in this article: Today, we will let you know which ad format is better for your needs. Let's take  quick look at the benefits vs. drawbacks for each here. Responsive Search…

The Easiest Way to Improve Your Google Ads Quality Score

The Easiest Way to Improve Your Google Ads Quality Score

Your Google Ads Quality Score directly impacts your ad strategy's Return on Investment (ROI). Improving your Quality Score (QS) will reduce your Cost Per Click (CPC) and reduce your Cost Per Acquisition (CPA). The Three Quality Score ComponentsYour keyword Quality Score is comprised of three components: Ad Relevance, Expected Click…

Increase Clicks and Sales Using the Fogg Behavior Model

Increase Clicks and Sales Using the Fogg Behavior Model

To favorably manifest their ability to persuade, advertisers have to understand human behavior and actions. And they should be reminded of this every once in a while. That is why we will dedicate this post to the Fogg Behavior Model, labeled as an important concept for digital advertisers to know...…

The Secrets of Experiment Methods for Google Ads

The Secrets of Experiment Methods for Google Ads

The best PPC specialists aren't passive in storing and analyzing data. Instead, it is quite the opposite: they continuously generate data and make the next move with knowledge collected through extensive data analysis. They know that, by running experiments, they will obtain value.…

Maximize the Power of Ad Testing and Create Copy That Converts

Maximize the Power of Ad Testing and Create Copy That Converts

Crafting an ad is not an exact science, but there are many good practices and plenty of opportunities to create copy that converts, and obsessively testing your ad copy is the shortcut to it. One of the best things about A/B testing is that ad testing tools like AdOptics help you analyze data and...…

Improving CTR With Ad Copy Changes

Improving CTR With Ad Copy Changes

The more ad relates to the user's query, the more likely a user is to click on it. A/B testing is all about gaining insights into customer responses to the combination of wording you choose to use. We will dive into all the things you could test within an ad to see what will improve your CTR.…

Google search ad types: Google RSA and Google ETA

Google search ad types: Google RSA and Google ETA

The idea behind this newer type of ad is that Google's machine learning and automation test different combinations to identify which combinations drive excellent results. The best mixture of headlines and descriptions should, as a consequence, have a boost in CTR, improve QS, and lower CPC.…

What are RSAs And How to Find Complete Google Search Term Report

What are RSAs And How to Find Complete Google Search Term Report

With Responsive search ads being the most flexible search ad format, it's all about creating dozens of headlines and couple descriptions and let Google's machine learning take over and, after some time, "learns" which ads perform well and which ones don't.…

6 Best Ad Platforms to Promote Business in 2021

6 Best Ad Platforms to Promote Business in 2021

It is all about the business-customer link. Do you know your client's business, the ins-and-outs of their offer, who buys those products, and where they hang out in online space? If the answer is no to any of these questions, you have to take a few steps back...…

What Is Better: PPC or SEO?

What Is Better: PPC or SEO?

It wasn't long ago when you could witness arguments between marketing professionals that took places on forums, in comment sections on blogs that dedicated the space to favor one over the other, or at meetings behind closed doors. What seems to be happening is that digital marketers...…

Google Ads Myth-Busting 2021

Google Ads Myth-Busting 2021

The evolution of Google's system and changes to the platform are some of the causes that gave birth to many myths that roll around this online advertising platform to this day and will undoubtedly live on as long as this platform exists.…

4 Local PPC Tips to Get Awesome With Advertising on Google

4 Local PPC Tips to Get Awesome With Advertising on Google

Another difficulty that imposes on businesses advertising in their local area is the greater competition concentrating in a limited space. Their audience target pool is significantly tinier than what would be on the national level, thus making advertising harder.…

How to Use Principles of Persuasion in Your Search Ads

How to Use Principles of Persuasion in Your Search Ads

Learning of principles of persuasion techniques and their implementation is required for every marketing professional. By comprehending and discovering ideas to perform these effective techniques, you can shape your PPC campaigns and write your ad copies to influence desirable customer behavior.…

How Long Should You Run an A/B Test? [Free Excel Duration Calculator]

How Long Should You Run an A/B Test? [Free Excel Duration Calculator]

The problem with calculating a particular A/B test duration is that you don't necessarily have in-depth knowledge or desire to dive into complex formulas related to analyzing marketing data. Some formulas are all about the extreme technicality that can be meaningful only to a specialist...…

Improve Sales With Ad Testing

Improve Sales With Ad Testing

Search engine marketing is the most potent form of advertising available today. The best part is that you can advertise to people who are actively searching for the products/services you offer. Still, success in advertising on Google doesn't come that easy. Countless companies face setbacks because…

What is A/B testing and Why Should You Use It In Google Ads?

What is A/B testing and Why Should You Use It In Google Ads?

A/B testing in Google Ads is a process that refers to comparing two ads that are different in some aspects and determining which one outperforms the other one. It's a more simplistic type of test, easy to comprehend and implement when you know precisely what you're testing and why.…

4 A/B Testing Mistakes You Need to Stop Making

4 A/B Testing Mistakes You Need to Stop Making

Testing ads in Google Ads is a great way to determine if a particular tactic you want to try out will get you decent result or hurt your campaigns, without actually harming your campaigns and account. But, there are several Google Ads mistakes you want to evade on your fun times with A/B testing…

Best‌ ‌Practices‌ ‌for‌ ‌Successful‌ ‌Text‌ ‌Ads‌

Best‌ ‌Practices‌ ‌for‌ ‌Successful‌ ‌Text‌ ‌Ads‌

Writing a strong ad copy on Google Ads can seem challenging if you don't consider yourself a great copywriter. Better ads lead to greater conversion rates. But writing Google ads to make them more effective doesn't seem so achievable at the moment. So, how do you start writing better-performing ads?…

AdOptics, Ad Creative A/B Testing

AdOptics makes ad creative A/B testing easy. Data-driven, simple, and automated. In just a few minutes each week, you can expertly improve your Click Through and Conversion Rates.…